Tuesday, December 2, 2008

On The Move @ MIECC

Last Saturday went to PallMall event at Mines..it wasn't as perfectly done as the music stops at about 2am? As what we heard they were talking about license inside so need shut down the music?..and everyone partying thought is was a 'Raid?' so everyone went out? Can't believe they talk bout it on the event day itself? Finally my first party on a Saturday since i start working..end up like this?! ..Luckily i had my drinks and had my fun as my friends were all there or else i feel like sm*cking someone!

Cuzzie,April and i

My dearest cuzzie and i

The chicks

JeeChen,Mimi,April,Ling,me and CuzziePearly

Mimi and i

Babygirl@JeeChen April and i

The crowd inside

and everyone outside at about almost reaching 2am ?

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