Tuesday, December 2, 2008

CaJiLL's 1st Project

Unable to deny..we have been through quite some ups and downs together and our sweet nothings..and how much we venture into each other's life..we came up with our first serious little project so it's a testing round..we took once before just for fun but now we are making it to a project of 'US'..life is about having fun right? do what you wanna do, enjoy your time with your family and friends but work harder to achive your dreams.. (it's a plus if u found the right partner like my lurve over here Mrs.Goh i called her! :P) and stepping into the edges of things you really adore and making fashion a statement!?

My phase in life..
*A walk into our souls as we search for the freedom to be nothing else but ourselves, nothing added, nothing removed, just fabulous as the best is always improving*

-Testing the camera-

look at us in the eyes and we'll show you whats there inside..

Trying to get the dirty look

soul searching..where's is he? :P ok thats a lame joke..but how i wish Santa could get me my dream guy? hahaha

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