Tuesday, August 25, 2009

* Sunrise comes to soon *

Early in the morning, got woken up by my sneezes, * I just slept 3 hours and now I am widely awake * " sweat " Thought of writing about my best friend Ling's and Kennix birthday parties that was held on Saturday and Sunday but when I switched on my BlackyB * i named my canon Ixus * I realized I didn't take much pictures so I guess I'll just have to wait for the others to upload.And just to express my downsides, my Sony Vaoi which I named it 'SotSotBaobei' is running it's systems like a newly born snail and my 'SotsotKei' Sony Ericsson c920 is mentally ill!!* speechless * ' please don't laugh at me because I do have a habit of naming the things I owned and loved, haha '
Anyway to kill my boredom of thinking what to blog as I feel like typing something now.........................Suddenly i have a thought about FLOWERS! ....just let me crap..

You know how it feels when someone suddenly pop up and surprise you at your working place, house or when you are sick with a bouquet of *Real Flowers*??, ' ... no matter you are a guy or a girl, you will definitely be overwhelm! I mean come on, who actually don't like flowers? With the fact that flowers were given to express love, affection and caring, they should be irresistible!...

Let me share with you a secret about moi, I always knew flowers were beautiful, delicate and as one of the nature's most amazing and cherished splendors, they are wonderfully fragrant and I loved them. But few years back, I was telling my friends that it was totally ridiculous and stupid when someone send me flowers because I always thought that it's not worth! Come on, eventually the flowers will be dead in a few days,so why should I waste such money on something that I can't hold onto for long?... So I started to dislike flowers. But until two years ago, I have indeed changed my perception and fallen in love with them once again when I found out the beauty of flowers.

The true beauty of flowers is that they have a 'LANGUAGE' all their own! * I never knew that! * do you??
And that language was introduced to the Western world in the early 1700s when Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, a socially celebrated British letter-writer and poet who found a Turkish love letter that interpreted the meanings of various flowers, herbs and plants during her stay in Istanbul. She was totally fascinated by the letter that she started sending copies of the letter to her friends in the European society suggesting that even without writing mushy love letters you could actually communicate with your loved ones with flowers, herbs and plants!
And that's how I found out the true treasure about flowers and I am going to list down some flowers and their thought expressed...
* Amaryllis : pride, splendid beauty, timidity
* Anemone : expectations, sickness
* Aster : variety
* Carnation : Fascination, burning love, woman's love
* Chrysanthemum (red) : I love (white) : truth (yellow) : slighted love
* Clover (white) : think of me
* Daisy : innocence
* Lily (white) : sweetness, modesty, purity
* Anthurium : heart-shaped represents hospitality
* Gladiola : strong character
* Hydrangea : heartlessness, boastfulness
* Iris : message for you, flame, my compliments (yellow) : passion
* Lilac (purple) : love's first emotions
* Orchid : a beauty
* Peony : bashfulness, shame
* Buttercup : childishness, ingratitude
* Rose : love (red) : passion, beauty (pink) : friendship, graceful beauty (white) the giver is worthy of your love (yellow) jealousy
* Rosebud (red) : pure and lovely, you are young and beautiful (white) : a heart ignorant of love, girlhood (moss) confession of love)
* Stock : lasting beauty

* Sunflower (dwarf) : adoration (tall) : haughtiness
* Tulip : fame (red) : declaration of love (variegated) : beautiful eyes (yellow) : hopeless love
* Forget-Me_Not : true love, fond remembrance

= forget-me-not=

' Do you feel like grabbing some flowers and send to the particular someone right now after knowing that they do meant something ? ' I mean imagine putting Roses, Iris and Clover and it would come out ' Love, I have a message for you, think of me! ' *GRINNING WICKEDLY *... Now you can shower your love ones with the proper flowers and maybe tell them the meaning of the flowers which I think is totally sweet and it shows much more about one's affection towards the other! .. Xoxo to my Tuesday craps..

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