Tuesday, June 30, 2009

* be Prepared, it's aint a joke *...

Did you hear the latest news? ... We usually get flu-like symptoms like fever, cough, and some other symptoms due to the crazy weather we have in KL - from sunshine to rain and from hot to cold... the usual, but now with the cases of H1n1 growing larger by the day (as I'm hearing cases here and there) *touchwood x thousand times*.... Maybe we should all invest in one of these..' I remember seeing this on a friend's blog a year ago' *just joking* Behold the gas mask! Maybe this is a bit extravagant but it definitely is nice to drool over...

The gas mask GUCCI X LOUIS VUITTON 2008... * Monogrammed and encrusted with diamonds * = faints =

Maybe this is over the top, but it's definitely time for us to boost up our immune systems by eating more vitamins and being health conscious and clean. * If you feel yourself falling sick, faster go see the doctor! * I guess we should all start wearing a mask in public and maybe even gloves?? Especially at crowded places, which you definitely should! ......* d*rn, I seriously don't like this! *....... :(

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