Monday, August 13, 2007

*someone special..*

I was in lost mode for quite some time..
And i dont know what im doing anymore..but..
Knowing you has brought sparks back to my life..
Though you are so far away but i always feel so close to you..
You may be the right kinda wrong..
But you never fail to make me smile..
Though im still on the way of knowing you..
But im not afraid to give it a shot..
We might work out or we might not..
But like what i use to hear..
"never try never know"
You never fail to amaze the things you do..
I love the way you bombastic the words..
Your way of thinking about everything..
The little messages you gave me..
And the caring of you towards everything..
Im so afraid of a new beginning..
But now im happy to say that..
Im glad to have start this new journey...
Because knowing you is something ill never regret!

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