Thursday, May 28, 2009

*wednesday blues*

Like what i always do, sitting around at the shop, mumbling to myself, working as usual....but today we gonna dine in Delicious at Marc Residence *another farewell meet up with Keith as he's going back Ireland for 2 yrs.. * ...anyway like usual when im bored in the shop i'll put on the music and i'll start drawing, as i was *concentrating* suddenly a shadow walking in...'Soh Lou'! * almost scared the sh*ts out of me * came to my shop early around 5ish...i got him mad seconds ago online and he went silence and suddenly he's in front of me..*you* ...... = i remember you = ......

*soh lou helping me delete junks in my mail*

then around 7, Keith arrives and so came April...all hanging out in my shop waiting for dinner time...

Me and April..

The 3 of them sharing some laughter's

April capture this i think damn cute as me and Keith *the hand same gestures..*lol*...


The guys...Gary missing...

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