Saturday, May 16, 2009

Last night we have a little party for Austin@SohLou for his birthday in Werner's Changkat Bukit Bintang...*Happy Early Birthday to you 1st! as your actual date is on the 20th* Wishing you all the best in everything ahead of ya..! I got a ride from Joe and when we arrive Cuzzie whispers to me.. *mission of the night* *Birthday boy should get drunk!* Cuzzie decided to get him 2 flaming and if that was not enough I forget who calls graveyard for him despite the liquor and beer in his body already and eventually when the night ends SohLou really KO! ..reasons behind.we were suppose to eat supper together in 'WongAhWAh' but end up I need to drive him back to his house with Joe being my guidance ..* first time in my life i wear high heels driving someone's big car for him because he is drunk *... you owe me big time...= one lesson learn..i know how to drive bigger cars = :)


..Joe * he's also my neighbour as his homie is just across the street * partner in crime that always makes me laugh Ling.. :)

Sohlou Austin with April and I

Cuzzie, Arthur and I

...the flaming we got for him! ..and guess what end up Cuzzie also drunk..(see pics below.)

look how drunk she is..*love you cuzzie*

..cute couple :) ..

...all the pretty ladies...

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