Saturday, April 18, 2009

.. yeah i've been good.. :)

Gain a little weight while in China, .. took of my hair extensions,* actually this time i didnt took it off it came off by itself with my hand just pulling my hair * * wth* ...well im not gonna waste my money again , sitting few hours making extensions so this time around i make a wiser choice, by buying hairclip extensions *lol* at least it wont use so much of my money each and every time and its just once, more worthed till my hair grows longer.., funny though i feel my hair is still so short but my bangs grow faster? *how come?* ..weird...

Coming back to my home sweet home this time around, i beg to be differ,...and i did..even my ways of thinking, my ways of seeing things..i've changed and im proud of myself..and i've read a book 'The Power of Now' that seems to be interesting ..its a book that guide you to spiritual enlightenment..its all bout how you deal with your mind..whats actually going on inside my *dink* head, those thoughts of wanted and unwanteds ..the book consist of ten chapters, you are not your mind, consiousness; the way out of pain, moving deeply into now, mind strategies for avoiding the now, the state of presence, the inner body, portals into the unmanifested, enlightened relationships, beyond happiness and unhappiness there is peace an the meaning of surrender...*its a good read trust me* :)

* you are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are! * - eckhart tolle

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