Thursday, October 16, 2008

...give me a hand and i'll hold it tight,
from the very 1st start i had never asked for more..
- it's weird u know..when the people first lay eyes on you..that's their 1st remarks..
she's just a typical prototype trying to find her way out...searching for her soul and finding back her tracks..
..seriously she likes being at home...*n it's a bonus if she's found d perfect partner*...
..what she wants is just some 'LOVED' 'CARED' 'SECURED'...
..she is indeed afraid of the dark..and there's two hands closing her ears when thunder strikes..or maybe she will be cuddling her lovely pillow because she's afraid of the 'outside'..... is always there ...people needs excitements..she does too and she knows how to control! but everyone sees her only in the outside.....what's there hidden beneath?...........

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