Tuesday, January 22, 2008

~ today went to watch ' The Game Plan ' and weird to say i liked the show! hahaha.. its was really touching and sweet..and i cried ..after that tried to go look for a good, not too expensive luggage for me to use as i dont own a luggage bag since like my last one was being taken by my bro dy..need a good one for my trip to bangkok with my family and my trips to china in the future but needless to say i saw one that the size and all fits just right but it was over my budget! it was about thousand plus,i never knew luggage bags oso can cost quite a large sum of money! argh! need to go scan around more! not much time left! man..another thing..i still cant get over my medical $ for my scope and scannings coz i still havent get my money back from my insurance and that guy dont know if i could get it back anot! i stayed over in the hospital for the night and now he tell me this! wth! *praying to get it back asap* im sooOooOooo broke!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

~went to watch movie in Pavilion today with Bb...' In the name of the King '..before that we went walk around and then something caught me in the eye.. 'PaulFrank' and i saw this cute cuddly paul frank! wahahaha...i think its cute...! i wanted to get the pyjamas too but its kinda *ex* so i'll think bout it first but its real nice coz its *RED* duh..my fav! but..oh well....didnt manage to get that but then Bb bought me the cuddly! hahaha...and he say i could hug it during the movie....but then he was too cold he hug it himself! hmph! but finale..its MINE! hehe hugs hugs! ~

Monday, January 14, 2008

*~Life is unpredictable...we must cherish what we've got..you never know what happens tomorrow....~*

Thursday, January 3, 2008


......**to a happy new 2008!**....

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