Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh well..after a hardcore session of our work yesterday *wink* we felt like going to sing k,just to express things out.. and so we did..its just me, kennix, moon, melvin and ben..its been some time since we go sing K together huh...hehe its not much time for us but its fun though! haha..Ooops...and we are wearing our uniforms! hahaha


Thursday, September 20, 2007

*something you need to know*

Actually for the past 4 years that i'm with you, or even before, i already knew what kind of person are you..It's just that i'm not believing it and throw myself to you. I know all the things you would do and i don't need to hear from rumours nor from people's mouth because i know you too damn well. I know I'm stupid to outsiders for loving someone like you. But your every movement, your every words spoken, your point of views towards things, your advices, your looks , your voice, your smell, your everything just meant so much to me. Till now i can't get over with, but i know one's gotta grow up. I always thought what i did was the best for you..but i found out what came over was just *silent* ..i'm sorry for holding you up for so long. You actually haven't even seen the real world. There are so many surprises out there for you. I once thought i could own you,i thought i could have it all..but now what i wanna say is...don't worry..i'm never angry nor mad at you because time just isn't right..everyone deserves to choose...i'm always here, i'll be there for you, i'll love you always and i'll miss you..............


Monday, September 17, 2007

YiQi @ bb park

Went out shopping with my family in Sg.Wang as my daddy's back from China, everyone bought something today! hehe....It is my mummy and sister Jane's bday! Happy happy birthday mum n sis! hehe hope u guys like the pressies i bought..! And then we went to eat dinner in Bangkok Jam..after dinner, dad brought us to Uncle Kelvin's new pub@restaurant just in front of Bangkok Jam..It just open yesterday...the place is kinda nice coz the environment look unique..its something different that in's very chinese orientated but some waitress are 'guai muis' hahaha..all the waitress dresses in cheongsams though..hehe another new place to chill in KL, the music is loud too.. :)


Sunday, September 16, 2007


Bottled up inside
Are the words i never said,
The feelings that i hide,
The lines you never read.

You can see it in my eyes,
Read it on my face,
Trapped inside are lies,
Of the past i cant replace.

With memories that linger,
Wont seem to go away,
Why cant i be happier?
Today is a brand new day.

Yesterdays are over,
Even though the hurtings not
Nothing last forever,
I must cherish what ive got

Dont take my love for granted
For soon it will be gone.
All you ever wanted,
Was the love you thought you'd won


Monday, September 3, 2007

im just an ordinary gurl..what do you want from me?

days passed by..i seen around..
lunatics, bimbos..stoopidos..
people do change..
just the way i see it...
theres this treasure that was surrounding you..
but you never tend to realized..
then u came to look for it..
but u couldnt find it...
its so far away....u pulled it away...
come closer...look closer...
it may still be there...or it may have been gone...


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