Friday, February 15, 2008

* f.r.i.e.n.d.s.h.i.p *

*just like stars that brightens up my life*

Friday, February 1, 2008

[ imma turnin 24! ]

To: my brothers Kelvin and Marcus, Pearly n Ahter, April, Ling, Carrine n her hub, EiLeen, Kenji, Melvin, Billy, Austin, Joe, DannyOne, KokFoong, KokWeng, Chester, YeeWen, AhLokz, Kelvin, TatTatz, KellyLee, AndrewK, Elaine, RubyJie, Kennix, Francis, Paul..ok i forget who i invite! and everyone else that came! haha Sorry! memory lost!] ~ first time celebrated my birthday in a clubbing scene and i totally dont know how to handle everything coz i feel i didnt manage to layan everyone that i invited! huhu...but thank you all for coming to my birthday! Really appreciate it and i did have alot of fun! *Brian thank you for the table...though need some moment to get it settle n done! n my sexOnTheBeach * *my babes Cuzzie Pearly,April and Ling..i lurve the Thomas Sabo!* *my lurve..the scarf,i heart it! really! serious..i dunno why i had a sense its coming!*...everyone else thank you for ur pressies coz i love 'em all....! Im glad this time around not only i get to celebrate with all my friends but my two brothers are back to celebrate with me also! ..its been awhile now..! Conclusion is Love u guys n thanks for everything! * clubbin pics r from april's * ....try to get more from others then upload..

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