Our high school picture? haha..

And so the journey began...the four of us...the friendship in between us..
the pic above was us during high school..we had been through alot together, our craziness, our naughtiness, our tiny little secrets..sleepovers...'moments i'll always remember'..although during most times i usually am the one missing out in action..but you guys never gave up on me, you guys stayed with me through my roller coaster journey in life..and im so glad that we are still close together...
though now we dont see each other 24/7..
each individual is busy with our own career,family, and all ..
but still we try our best to fill the our moments together!..aint i right?!
...my JPAK creation..
Jiujiuz : d artistic and creative one, d clumsy one, d one who always create sarcastic words, d one with all the tattoos,
Purly : d saint mary, d dancer, d one who never fails to amaze people around her,
April : d independant one, d bubbly one, d sweet one..
Kelly : d sexy one * :P *, d strong one, d one that can really drink! , ...
but JPAK = d fashion sista's, d party go'ers, d ones whom will try to be there if needed, d friendly ones, d ones whom will make u smile, d ones whom will haunt you down if you ever try to get between us! haha
we are different from one another..but we manage to be with each other..we learn as we grow and im cherishing what i've got!
love you guys!